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Confidentiality policy


Flyscan diligently complies with the requirements of Bill 25 and therefore adheres to the definitions related to it. The term “privacy incident” is defined as any unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of personal information, as well as the loss of personal information or any other breach of its protection.

In addition, the term “personal information” is defined as any information, alone or in combination with other available information, about an individual that can be used to identify that individual, such as information about the individual’s financial situation, lifestyle, or health. However, an individual’s name, as well as their business contact information, such as title, address, telephone number, and business email address, are not personal information.

Personal information must be protected regardless of the nature of its medium and &nbspregardless of its form: written, graphic, audio, visual, computerized, or otherwise.

Our Responsibility

Flyscan is responsible for all personal information in its possession or control, including personal information we receive from our staff.

We have assigned a Privacy Officer and have delegated certain cybersecurity responsibilities to our IT partner through a Managed Cybersecurity Services offering. The execution of our cybersecurity program in partnership with our IT firm ensures the protection of privacy and personal information on behalf of Flyscan. We have also posted on our website and informed our staff of our Privacy Policy and Governance Policies and Practices concerning personal information, as well as the role that everyone must play in ensuring the protection of the personal information of members of our organization.

If you have any questions about our privacy practices, please do not hesitate to contact the Privacy Officer at or 581-997-3954.

Purposes for Collecting Personal Information

Flyscan collects, uses, and discloses personal information about its team members to comply with laws, regulations, and professional standards; to provide benefits; to administer performance management tools; to administer, manage, monitor, and enforce company programs and policies and its relations with its employees and generally establishing, managing or terminating employment or association relationships.

Flyscan may also collect, use, and disclose personal information about individuals who apply for employment with the company to assess the employment opportunity.

We use essential cookies to optimize users’ browsing experience and ensure the proper functioning of our website. These cookies are necessary to ensure optimal performance, enhanced security, and effective use of our platform. In addition, we collect cookies to analyze the browsing behavior of users of the website. This information helps us to understand your preferences and needs, and to tailor our marketing and advertising strategies accordingly while respecting your rights to privacy and the protection of your personal data.

Personal information may be collected without the knowledge or consent of the individuals concerned, to the extent permitted by law.


Flyscan ensures that it obtains the consent of the individuals concerned before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information, except as permitted or required by law.

Collection limits

Flyscan collects by lawful and lawful means only the personal information that it can reasonably deem necessary to meet its legal obligations to conduct its business.

Limiting Use and Communication

Flyscan uses and discloses your personal information only for the purposes for which it has obtained your consent, or as permitted or required by law. If Flyscan requires the need to use or disclose personal information about an individual for a purpose that has not been previously identified, Flyscan will first seek the consent of the individual concerned, unless the law requires or permits the use or disclosure of the personal information without obtaining the individual’s consent.

We retain personal information for as long as necessary for the fulfillment of the identified purposes, except as permitted or required by law. All human resources records are destroyed when the information can no longer reasonably be considered necessary for legal, regulatory, or administrative purposes.


To ensure that the personal information collected is relevant to the purposes for which it is used, Flyscan makes reasonable efforts to maintain the integrity of personal information and to update it regularly.

Individuals concerned by the personal information collected must contact the Privacy Officer in writing if they wish to request correction.

Security measures

Flyscan adheres to cybersecurity best practices by conducting, in conjunction with our IT partner, a holistic and rigorous cybersecurity program based on the NIST framework. We will therefore conduct a cyber risk assessment on our IT assets and develop a cyber risk management strategy aimed at applying a series of mitigation measures to protect our IT assets, including personal information.


Flyscan may make available to interested individuals information about its Privacy Policy and its Governance Policies and Practices concerning personal information upon request. The company also undertakes to respond to any written request for information submitted to the Privacy Officer regarding matters related to its management of personal information.


Individuals have the right to inspect the personal information in our possession and to obtain a copy of it. To this end, they should contact the Privacy Officer.

The right to access personal information is subject to certain legal restrictions, and we will take reasonable steps to verify the relevance of the request and the identity of an individual before granting such access.

In most cases, applicants will receive a response within 30 days. If an individual has any concerns about access, we encourage them to contact the Privacy Officer at or 581-997-3954.


We know the importance of ensuring the protection of the privacy and personal information of the individuals involved. If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy and personal information, and our role in respecting your privacy and personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer at or 581-997-3954.

Flyscan has a procedure in place for receiving and handling complaints about this policy and its personal information handling practices. An individual about whom Flyscan has personal information may complain about non-compliance with this policy. Any privacy complaints should be directed to the Privacy Officer at the address above. In most cases, applicants will receive a response within 30 days.

If that individual is not satisfied with Flyscan’s response to a complaint or with Flyscan’s policies and practices regarding the handling of personal information, they may file a complaint with the Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec on the Commissioner’s website.

Policy Update

This policy is to be reviewed every three years. It will also need to be updated when there are any substantial changes to legislation or regulatory requirements.


Bill 25, which has been in force since September 22, 2022, requires our organization to notify the Commission d’Accès à l’Information (CAI) and the persons concerned of any confidentiality incident involving personal information in its possession that presents a risk of serious harm.

Our organization complies with the requirements of Bill 25 and therefore adheres to its definition. Therefore, personal information is any information, either alone or in combination with other available information, about an individual that can be used to identify the individual, such as information about the individual’s financial situation, lifestyle, or health.

Bill 25 also requires that we keep a record of confidentiality incidents that must be provided to the Commission upon request. It is now required for every employee in our organization to report any confidentiality incident to the Privacy Officer at or 581-997-3954.

The person in charge of the protection of personal information must enter the details of the incident in the registry and, if a risk of serious harm is assessed, notify the Commission d’Accès à l’Information and the persons concerned about the incident.

The term “privacy incident” is defined as any unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of personal information, as well as the loss of personal information or any other breach of its protection.

By signing this document, I certify that I have read and understood the privacy policy of our organization available on our website and that I have read and understood my roles and responsibilities described in the text above and in connection with;

  • Managing our organization’s personal information,
  • Our organization’s privacy incident response plan.